Website Final (Portfolio)
Atticus Block A
Welcome to my Computers 8 Final Website.
On this Website, you will find all the work I've completed in Computers 8 using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrate.
Return to "My Personal Website" Homepage
Adobe Illustrate Works
Adobe Photoshop Works
A little bit about me:
My name is Atticus.
I am 13 years old.
I'm a student at Fraser Heights and I enjoy english and socials.
In my free time, I like to draw, listen to music, and play games.
My favourite color is green.
I am Canadian
I play Pokemon Go everyday.
I like sweet things and cheese.
My favourite food has been cooked salmon for 8 years.
I dislike studying and doing homework unless I am interested in whatever subject I am doing it for.
I like vocaloid.
My favuorite piece of clothing is my black hoodie :)
Hover your cursor over to reveal images!!
Have fun viewing my projects over the course of Computers 8!
Adobe Illustrate Works
Adobe Photoshop Works
*links twice in case you didn't notice the ones above/don't want to scroll up